Pros & Cons Of Designer Bed Sheets

Pros & Cons Of Designer Bed Sheets

There is a lot that goes into crafting quality designer bed sheets and some might even call it an art. In our experience in selling designer, custom made sheets we understand that workmanship of quality sheets is extremely important.

Luxury designer bedding is not only soft and helps you get the optimal sleep they can brighten up your bedroom with style.

Like any other type of designer product, you will be facing a higher cost than simply buying from a department store. 

In this article about designer bedding, we are going to bump up your knowledge about the designer sheet subject and help you be a smarter consumer.

From the research, we put into quality sheets on a regular basis we want to share what we have discovered about designer sheets because we know that it is difficult for a consumer to gauge the caliber of bedding sheets. 

That is a problem especially when you are willing to invest decent money into your sheets and other bedding items.

For years, many manufacturers and distributors are putting a have only been selling premium sheets in large retail stores where they mark up the price as much as possible. 

Since the internet has taken every industry by storm you as a consumer are able to easily compare prices and research reviews of a product to see if it is worth purchasing.

We want you to keep that in mind as your shopping around but for now let’s dive into our article so we can educate you on what designer sheets are all about.

What goes into crafting a designer bed sheet



Before we get too far into our designer sheet information let’s first take a step back and ask ourselves what is a designer bed sheet and why are they different?

A designer sheet or bedding is when the material is handcrafted for comfort and has a stylish touch on it. 

Designer sheets are developed with an idea of artwork and are printed at top shops. 

Your luxury bedding will decorate your room just like furniture or wallpaper would plus add a quality night's sleep to your life. 

This type of bedding is not your typical sheet you would find at common retail stores.

  1. Constructing an idea

Inspiration is everywhere we go and before you can make a luxury bed sheet with attractive design work you must have an idea in your mind than manifest that idea onto your bed sheet.

This is one of the main reasons luxury and designer bed sheets are pricier than regularly manufactured sheets. Someone put an artistic pattern on the sheets and then constructed that sheet with care.

Think about when your grandmother made blankets and quilts with amazing detailed fashions. The same concept applies to designer sheets or any other type of product that people put a lot of effort into.

They are simply not thrown into a manufacturing line and mass produced for a profit.

  1. Fabric

A key point to focus on when shopping for designer bed sheets is the type of fabrics the manufacture uses. True luxury sheets will have a wide fabric and sometimes seamless depending on the design its self.

Don’t be like the majority of bed sheet shoppers and get fooled by thread count. Although thread can be a factor in what makes a luxury designer sheet that it is not the only thing.

  1. Manufacturing

There are designer sheet makers that will actually spin the cotton themselves and there are others that will receive the cotton on a big spool.

Assuredly, the process of manufacturing the actual sheet is a process of its own and there many steps to this process:

  • Blending
  • Carding
  • Spinning
  • Slashing
  • Weaving
  • Dyeing
  • Sewing

All of this is necessary to for any sheet but designer bed sheets require special machines that can handle printing with different colors so patterns and printed designs look their best.

Before anything is passed on the next phase experts will inspect the designer sheets to ensure the bedding represents an exact replica of the art created for the bed sheet.

  1. Cutting and sewing

Once the printed stage is approved the sheets will go to the workers where sheets are flattened out and smooth all the layers.

After the sheets are precisely cut they will be sent to be sewed. This is when the sheets are handcrafted into sheets, pillow cases, covers, and other bedding items.

Now what we played out may not be the exact process of every designer sheet distributor but it is a basic guide into how your designer sheets are made.

Understanding this process will give you the knowledge of why you're investing in expensive bed sheets and justify the cost. 

Benefits of designer bedding

4 Seasons Designer Bed Sheets

From being in the sheets business for over 5 years now and mostly serving the United States Navy and Coast Guard men and women with luxury bed sheets for their tours we have concluded.

Everyone needs to invest in one quality luxury set of bedding sheets.

We know what you’re probably thinking we are only saying this because we are a supplier ourselves but let us elaborate and back up our theory.

Don’t worry we are going to be covering the cons of luxury bedding in the next section too.

We don’t think there is a single soul on this earth that doesn’t desire a well-rested night on a consistent basis.

The problem is not many people are willing to do what it takes to get there. Mostly they will complain about how tired they are or how many times they woke up in the middle of the night.

We think you would agree complaining about your situation is far easier than putting effort into fixing your situation.

At Fleets Sheets we believe you need to add something exceptional to your place of rest so you can experience exceptional sleep. That is if you’re willing to invest into that.

With this is mind, let’s go over how luxury sheets can add value into your life.

Let’s your body breathe while sleeping

We have covered this before but there’s no doubt it’s worth mentioning again. If you’re like most of us your body tends to naturally get warm during your sleeping hours and especially if you live in a hot climate.

Quality sheets will wisp away perspiration while you rest keeping your body cool and comfortable. Waking up during the middle of the night is not the ideal sleeping situation and the worst part of that is not being able to fall back into your deep sleep.

Organic fabrics

The cheap fabric that many manufacturers use and distribute contain dyes made with cheap chemicals.

On the contrary, designer bedding that is well crafted is never made in this way. Instead, every element in luxury bedding is first class.

The fibers that make up designer fabrics are also prone to not collecting dust mites that may irritate our sinuses creating allergic reactions.

This is a huge benefit and in our opinion outweighs the cost any day of the week.

Gives you something to look forward to

You shouldn’t have to go to a 4 or 5-star hotel to experience luxury when sleeping. This is something you can accomplish in the comforts of your own home.

Why is It we have some of the best night’s sleep on vacation at our nice hotels?

Well if you have ever had the taste of the good life for a week or so at a beautiful resort you noticed the cool luxury bed sheets they supply for their visitors.

These bed sets they use are top notch and aimed to help you get the best rest you have ever encountered.

Now, you can find exactly what the big hotels use right online and have that same vacation sleep on a regular basis.

That is if you are not a new parent with a baby that wakes up a couple times a night. We’re afraid there is no bed set in the world that can help you get better sleep in that situation but for the rest of us it is possible.

Designer bedding can last a lifetime.

 I can distinctly remember our grandparents having their bedding my entire life. That is because in the early 1900s products was made with excellent craftsmanship and so was the bed linen.

When you invest  a good amount of money into your superior bedding fabrics they tend to stay around for a long time.

Even after you decide to redecorate and use another set of sheets the initial designer sheets will always be a part of your family.

Cons of investing luxury bed sheets 

Like we mentioned earlier we are not only going to hold a one-sided bias opinion because like investing in other products there is a flip side that most bed sheet suppliers won’t touch on.

The big question is if the luxury bed sheets worth the cost? Let’s dive in and look at what can hold us back from financially committing.

Let’s dive in and look at what can hold us back from financially committing.

  1. Let's contemplate the cost

First things first we will dive into cost because money is always the kicker, right? Why else would we be having this conversation today?

Luxury watches, Louis Vuitton bags, air Jordan sneakers, and designer jeans can easily run you from $300 to $30,000.

Designer bed sheets made from handcrafted fabrics can run you $1000 - $3000 depending on the brand and where you buy them.

The difference here is most of the other items mentioned will not last you as long as your bed sheets. Although the cost is a definite negative effect we believe the lifetime value will pay itself off over time.

Although the cost is a definite negative effect we believe the lifetime value will pay itself off over time.

  1. Luxury sheets are not for everyone

This is a question you must ask yourself and what’s important. Of course, you should factor in your budget but if that is not a major issue the next thing to ask is if you value sleeping on fine linen?

Let’s be honest here not every person needs designer sheets and many consumers simply can’t yield the cost.

That being said, if you truly appreciate luxury sheets and what they can add to your life most of us will make a way to afford them. Whether that be to dip into the savings or run a credit card. By all means, we are not advising you to go into debt over a better night’s rest but merely proving a point. That when you value a product or service we will naturally find a way to possess that product or service.

Whether that be to dip into the savings or run a credit card. By all means, we are not advising you to go into debt over a better night’s rest but merely proving a point. That when you value a product or service we will naturally find a way to possess that product or service.

That when you value a product or service we will naturally find a way to possess that product or service.

  1. Designer sheets demand delicate cleaning

What do most of us do with our bed sheets? Throw them in the washer, hit the start button, and transfer them into the dryer right.

Well, if you’re planning on paying top dollar for your new designer sheets you want to start reading how to care for them.

You will need to purchase a detergent that is gentle on materials and wash them by themselves on a cold cycle. If you want them to last and maintain their appearance either hang them to air dry or use a cool dryer cycle. 

If you want them to last and maintain their appearance either hang them to air dry or use a cool dryer cycle. 

Wrapping it all up

Ok so we went through quite a bit for an article on designer bedding and if you made it to the end we are in great appreciation. This is how we like to write our articles in depth and leave our reader with actionable tips that they can use in their own lives.

Altogether, we believe investing in a designer and luxury bed sheet set is well worth the cost. What we want you to take away from this article is you have the ability to be a smart consumer and may not have to pay top dollar.

What we want you to take away from this article is you have the ability to be a smart consumer and may not have to pay top dollar.

Take your time and research different suppliers out there. Many of them will run coupons and have special sales if you opt-in to their email list.

Although at Fleet Sheets, we do have some of the most affordable luxury cotton sateen weave sheets on the market.

Check us out and please leave your comments because we love feedback. Tell us about your experience with designer bed sheets.

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